Several paper mills, in particular the important groups running various machines at one site generally big in size, tend more and more frequently to prefer internalized grinding service of their rolls, to the purpose of eliminating or minimizing transportation and logistic costs and additionally optimizing the availability of spare rolls.
This solution solves most part of the above mentioned requirements, but often originates for the Mill an excessive burden of operating costs, like skilled personnel working on shifts and heavy duty grinders. The high investment costs of such valuable equipment is often not depreciated as the total capacity of the grinding machine is not filled out for the simple fact that the core business of a papermill is different to that of a grinding workshop.
RIF was able to acknowledge these issues by locating its grinding expertise and know-how within two important paper groups:
• BURGO GROUP, at the Mill of Avezzano, l’Aquila (I)
• SAPPI FINE PAPER, at the Mill of Gratkorn (AT)
Both experiences have terminated for natural expiry of contractual terms after many years, 15 years the first one and 13 years the second one and have been satisfactory win -win situations where both Parties have cooperated in the development of tailor made solutions in a positive synergy of competences.
The transfer of grinding expertise and technology at the Customers’ by the development of technical, commercial and financial solutions is still an important part of RIF portfolio.